Earning the distinguished title required that Margaret participate in a thorough application process. She answered questions related to course instruction via video and submitted evidence of going above and beyond curriculum standards, school recommendations, and a recommendation from a PLTW Master Teacher. Margaret was also required to apprentice in a course with a seasoned Master Teacher. Her participation in “Core Training,” a two week summer intensive, required she assist in student learning. Margaret was then evaluated by the university, a seasoned Master Teacher, and surveyed by adult students.
Her very first Master Teacher distinction was earned in 2010. Margaret has continually renewed her Master Teacher status by instructing, at minimum, one two-week Core Training course each summer, providing online support to teachers throughout the year, attending the Project Lead the Way Summit, presenting at PLTW workshops, and actively maintaining her level of expertise by teaching the Digital Electronics course.
For the past thirteen years, Margaret has served as an Electrical Engineer. She is Math and Computer Science Technology certified and has trained in five PLTW courses since partnering with the program in 2004. Her notable accomplishments include creating professional development at Rowan University for Master Teacher-related courses with equipment upgrades for Digital Electronics, (January, 2018), acting as a panelist to the NJ PLTW “Raising the Bar” Conference (2015), facilitating peer to peer tutoring with PLTW students for capstone of her graduate degree (2015), and much more.
Achieving and renewing the Master Teacher distinction showcases an unparalleled level of dedication and drive for this high school instructor. Congratulations to PCTI’s Margaret Miller!
PCTI Instructor Margaret Miller (Wayne) showcases her Project Lead the Way Master Teacher distinction for Digital Electronics.