Teen Center

The Teen Center is located behind the F-Wing Media Center in Trailers #1 & #4 at Passaic County Technical Institute. We have designed it to be a comfortable and fun environment for teens. The goal of the SBYSP is to enable youth to complete their education, pursue additional education, develop marketable skills, and to develop a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. We will serve as a focal point to access existing programs and services. In short, the SBYSP is a one-stop shopping program where students can participate in an environment that offers confidential assistance in a convenient and comfortable fashion. Student confidentiality is our number one rule.
Programs and Services
The SBYSP Teen Center offers an array of services for any PCTVS student who wishes to participate. Participation is completely voluntary and a parental consent form is required prior to accessing services. Here are just a few of the free services offered by the Teen Center:
Employment Services
Health Education
Learning Support Services
Recreational Activities
After-School Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
College and Career Readiness
How to Participate
This program is FREE to all students at PCTVS and their families. To be a part of the Teen Center, a consent form must be filled out and returned to the Teen Center staff. If you would like more information about any of our programs or wish to find out how to get involved (or how to enroll your child), please feel free to call us at 973-389-2029 or Email PCTI Teen Center. Our program staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30AM-5PM. We look forward to working with you to provide more opportunities for your child.
Parent Consent Form
The objective of the School Based Youth Services Program is to help assure that teens will obtain needed assistance in an accessible location. The goal of the program is to assist teens to reach their full potential through various services including: mental health counseling, family counseling, employment counseling; substance abuse education/prevention; preventive health awareness including pregnancy prevention, learning support, healthy youth development and recreation.
Click here to download a copy of the Consent Form.
New Jersey's School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) is the first statewide initiative to place comprehensive services for students and families in or near schools. This award-winning initiative helps students overcome problems common to adolescence and reach one's fullest potential. The program is currently available at over 50 schools and will be coming to more schools in the future. Each site provides counseling, employment, recreation, and health and wellness services to help students succeed.
Funded by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, the SBYSP seeks to help students stay emotionally and physically healthy so that they may graduate with skills for employment or continuing education. New Jersey's SBYSP has gained national recognition, receiving awards from the American Public Welfare Association and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Other states have replicated the program we are offering to you and your student! NJCDC is pleased to be part of the SBYSP network and, with PCTVS, will work collaboratively to ensure that students succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.