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CTE Programs of Study

Career and Technical Educational Programs

The Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools offer an extensive array of challenging academic curricula and exciting career paths to best prepare students for today’s constantly evolving global society.

Click on an emblem to learn more:

At Passaic County’s first and only dedicated high school for STEM Career and Technical Education, the STEM Academy offers three unique learning paths. Click on an emblem to learn more:

Special Education Programs

The Superintendent and Board of Education at PCTVS are dedicated to serving the needs of classified students throughout the county. Twenty percent of all the openings for incoming students are reserved for classified student applicants. These students are eligible for special education services with individual Educational Plans (IEP). Students are afforded a variety of academic and vocational programs as well as therapy, counseling, and transition services. For more information on PCTVS's special education programs and services, please visit the Special Education page.

Extracurricular Programs

There are over 50 athletic and co-curricular programs offered to students at PCTVS. The high school participates in the Big North Conference and has won state, county, and league championships in numerous sports from football to basketball, volleyball to track and wrestling. To learn more about PCTVS's decorated athletics program, please visit the Athletics page.

Among the 3,400 students, most participate in one or more of 42 student organizations including: Marching, Concert and Jazz Bands, LEAP (Leaders Emerging Among Peers), Gifted/Talented, as well as service clubs in Business, Finance, and Health. For a full listing of student clubs and organizations and their respective advisors, please visit the
Student Activities page.

Adult Programs

PCTVS offers a wealth of courses for academic and vocational advancement at the adult level. Learn more about the Licensed Practical Nurse program or High School Equivalency Testing Center, or see the most up-to-date offerings in the Career & Continuing Education brochure.