Downhill Skiing

Coaching Information

The primary goals of the PCTVS Ski Race Program are to build a life-long passion for the sport of skiing while also developing technical and tactical skills to achieve goals of the individual skier. The commitment and determination from our athletes will also cultivate life skills such as focus, organization, timeliness, self-control, and respect of rules and others. Skiers will be required to compete against one another in six ski races through out the season both Slalom and Giant Slalom. 

β€œTo be a great ski racer, one must first be a great skier.” (USSA Center of Excellence)

2024-2025 Season

Introductory Meeting Date: October 24, 2024 @ 3:15 pm β€“ Athletic Center

Practices will be a combination of technical gate training & free skiing. Practice schedule to follow shortly. If you have any questions, please feel free to email.

 Training will consist of a combination of weight room training after school & fitness/cardio workouts Tuesdays and Thursdays in December. Once "on-snow" training begins it is a combination of gate training and fundamental skiing drills/activities 3-4 days per week. Bussing is available. 

Schedules will be updated on google classroom as we get closer to the start of the season! 

Classroom code: xbhzp4p (must be a non-PCTI email so your parents can access as well!) 

Any questions, please email Coach Kiernan!