Criminal Justice - 1


Academy of Criminal Justice

To Protect and Serve

The Academy of Criminal Justice and Public Safety embraces the task of preparing students to become active, aware citizens in today’s society. This exciting program opens the door to the US legal system and provides students with in-depth analysis of how laws are created, court and criminal law procedures, report writing, crime scene investigation, the roles of field personnel and so much more. The program also emphasizes the importance of public order vs. individual rights and trains students to analyze, recreate, and investigate a variety of case scenarios.

Our students are taught the framework of the three facets of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students will learn about the history of law enforcement, its role in society, how the court system works, the goals of the correction system and how those goals are achieved. A complete understanding of the criminal justice system prepares our students for a myriad of rewarding professions.

In the Academy of Criminal Justice and Public Safety students are prepared to enter careers in federal, state, and local law enforcement, as well as corrections and probation. Students are also given the academic foundation for continued studies to become judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, civil rights advocates, public defenders, or forensic scientists.

Academic and practical skills are dynamically taught by a cadre of instructors consisting of former law enforcement officers, corrections officers, crime scene investigators, police chiefs, and attorneys. Lessons are taught using vibrant academic discussions on the philosophies of citizenship, numerous hands-on exercises, simulated motor vehicles stops, and crime scene investigation. Through a partnership with Passaic County Community College students can earn up to 24 college credits. Students have the opportunity to earn a certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Beyond the classroom, students can apply their learning as members of our SkillsUSA team or championship Mock Trial Team.

As our criminal justice system evolves there is a growing need for highly educated, ethical, compassionate stakeholders. The Academy of Criminal Justice and Public Safety prepares our students to meet this demand and enjoy future succusses in this field.

Career Pathways

  • Attorney

  • Corrections Officer

  • Court Clerk

  • Crime Scene Investigator

  • Cybersecurity Specialist

  • Emergency Dispatcher

  • Emergency Medical Technician

  • Fire Protection and Prevention

  • Forensics Scientist Tech

  • Homeland Security Specialist

  • Investigator

  • Law Enforcement Officer

  • Lawyer

  • Paralegal

  • Parole/Probation Worker

  • Patrol Officer

  • Security Specialist

Advanced Programs For Optimum Opportunities

Criminal Justice/ Public Safety students are provided with the skills and tools used by industry professional at various levels. Lectures and informative presentations are delivered by industry professionals from the areas of corrections and policing, as well as state and federal criminal justice and public safety agencies. Supervised opportunities to observe professionals at work are afforded to students. The legal issues and public safety concerns in our contemporary society are also an important part of the curriculum.

"College Connection Program" Earning College Credits in High School

Want to earn college credits before graduating high school? At PCTI you have the opportunity to do just that! Criminal Justice students have the opportunity to earn up to 24 college credits prior to graduation!

College Affiliates

PCTI’s higher education affiliate is Passaic County Community College.

PCTI Criminal Justice College Courses Include:

  • Introduction to Criminal Justice

  • Police Organization and Administration

  • Investigative Function

  • Introduction to Homeland Security

  • Constitutional Law for Public Safety

  • Juvenile Justice

  • Criminology

  • Current Issues in Criminal Justice


Students have the opportunity to earn the following professional certification:

  • American Heart Association CPR/AED/First Aid Certification.

School to Careers Experience

PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid or internship position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.

Awards and Honors

  • The PCTVS Mock Trial Team captured the Passaic County title for four consecutive years and received rave reviews from the Superior Court Judge!

  • For more than 10 years, PCTI Criminal Justice/ Public Safety students have been accepted to attend the summer NJ State Trooper Youth Week Program

  • Criminal/Public Safety students have completed community service learning projects. This includes:
    “Internet Safety Team to the Rescue,” presented by Criminal Justice students to area 4th graders on the safe use of the Internet

  • Recipient of the 2014 National Golden Achievement Award for the “Reject the Text Campaign,” an active and comprehensive approach that confronts the social epidemic of texting and driving

Organizational Affiliation

Passaic County Sheriff’s Dept.
Passaic County Police Academy
Passaic County Superior Court
Passaic County Probation Dept.
Passaic County Fire Academy
New Jersey State Police
Local Police, Fire and EMS dept.
U.S. Marshall Service
FBI and many more...