Academy of Information Technology
A 21st Century Cornerstone
Discover the fascinating world of computers with the Academy of Information Technology.
Nationally recognized by the National Academy Foundation (NAF), this exciting program of study prepares students for a lucrative future in the computer industry. To maintain a commanding position in the field of technology, the Academy’s curriculum is constantly evolving to meet the demands of the industry. Always on the forefront of technology, this program follows two career paths: Computer Science and Information Technology/Network Security.
The Computer Science path is for students interested in changing the world by exploring the limitless power of technology. It is a high demand field that teaches students to intertwine problem-solving strategies with technology-based solutions in the areas of Web Design, Database Concepts, Cybersecurity, Robotics, Mobile Applications, and Software Development. Learning focuses on AP Computer Science / AP Computer Science Principles, and high-level programming languages like Java and Python. Students learn to build Virtual Reality worlds, Arduino Microcontroller projects, and 3D printing projects. Students also have an opportunity to earn college credits from the College Board and Seton Hall University.
The Information Technology & Network Security path opens a world of opportunity to those interested in the IT industry. Students become proficient in IT fundamentals, PC building, and repair system implementation, network support and security, configuring Cisco devices, and cybersecurity. Courses in CISCO Academy Routing and Switching and PCAP Python Academy round out the curriculum. Students have an opportunity to obtain many certifications, including TestOut’s PC Pro, Network Pro, Security Pro, Routing and Switching Pro, and Ethical Hacker Pro.
Each year sophomores and junior students of the Computer Science path are offered paid internships through NAF, with a 4 week summer program with tech companies such as Verizon and RTX.
Graduates from the Academy of Information Technology will be well prepared for a college major in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems and Cybersecurity.
Career Pathways
Applications Programmer
Communications Analyst
Cybersecurity Analyst
Database Design
Game Developer
Information Systems Manager
IT Support Technician
Mobile App Developer
Multimedia Programmer
Network Engineer
Robotics Programmer
Software Engineer
System Administrator
Systems Engineer
Technical Writer
Website Designer
Computer Science is a high demand field that teaches students to apply technology based solutions and problem solving strategies in the areas of Web Design, Database Concepts, Cybersecurity, Robotics Programming, Mobile App Development, and Software Development. Learning focuses on AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A Programming (C++, Javascript, JAVA, Python), HTML-5, CSS-3, SQL Fundamentals, Arduino Microcontrollers Projects, problem solving with Python, and Data Structures.
Information Technology & Network Security opens up a world of opportunity to those interested in the IT industry. Students become proficient in A+, Cisco I and II, and a number of IT certifications using LabSim IT simulation as a TestOut learning platform. Courses in A+, CISCO Academy Routing and Switching, PCAP Python Academy, and Cybersecurity, round out the curriculum.
Dedicated Faculty of Professionals
All Academy Instructors are certified by Cisco, CompTIA, A+, Oracle or Microsoft in their respective areas. Several serve as adjunct professors at institutions such as William Paterson University and Passaic County Community College. The Curriculum is constantly upgraded to meet the needs of industry.
“College Connection Program” Earning College Credits in High School
Want to earn college credits before graduating high school? At PCTI you have the opportunity to do just that! Nearly 2 dozen college courses—some specific to career majors and others open to all PCTI students—are offered in affiliations with area colleges and universities! New and challenging college courses are integrated into coursework yearly.
College Affiliates
Some of the Academy of information Technology higher education affiliates are: William Paterson University, Seton Hall University, Passaic County Community College, and NJIT.
Student Certification Opportunities
Students have the opportunity to obtain many certifications, including TestOut’s PC PRO, Network Pro, Security Pro and Routing and Switching Pro. Those graduating from this program will be well prepared for a college major in computer science, information technology, or information systems.
School to Careers Experience
PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.
Preparing Professionals: A Cutting Edge Technology Delivered in a Comfortable Learning Environment
PCTI continues to fulfill its leadership role in high-technology education by investing in the latest technologies that support industry standards. Our 55 acre campus includes a high speed fiber network with voice, video, and data capabilities. The Academy of Information Technology offers powerful workstations, the latest programming software, and training emulator, which provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to learn and grow. All labs and classrooms have high-speed Internet, Internet II, and Intranet access. IP Telephone and IP Television are a reality at PCTI. Our distance learning capabilities support ATM, ISDN, IDLS and IP technologies, allowing us to learn anywhere in the world. Both hardware and software are updated to comply with and exceed industry standards. Come visit our campus to discover why we are proud of the Academy of Information Technology!
"At present, I am completing my doctoral studies at New Jersey Institute of Technology... but it all began at PCTI, and for that I am most grateful."~Roberto Rubino, Ph.D