Posting Grades to PowerTeacher Pro from Canvas
Follow these easy steps! First, make sure your grading categories are setup in PowerTeacherPro.
How do I import assignment groups from PTP to Canvas?
Assignment Group Import
Click on the gear on the assignments page and select “Import Assignment Groups” to import collected assignment groups from our SIS Platform.
Importing Grading Categories

Note: Assignment groups are collected from PowerSchool on a nightly basis. If your assignment groups aren’t ready yet, they will be tomorrow once they have been verified in the SIS Platform.
The arrow icon displayed on an assignment group indicates that it was imported from PowerTeacherPro. This is meant to distinguish manually created assignment groups from PowerTeacherPro assignment groups.
Note: In order for assignments to sync to PowerTeacher Pro, they must either be in the default Assignments group or in a group imported from PowerTeacher ProMove assignments to a PTP created assignment group
How do I set up assignments for PTP grade passback?
Setting Up An Assignment for PTP
PowerTeacherPro requires that three conditions are met before passing grades back for assignments with “Post to SIS” checked in your Canvas account settings:
The assignment’s name must be 30 characters or less in length - luckily, the grade passback LTI adds validation to your assignments and will present an error if the name is too long.
Assignment Validation - Name Length

The assignment must have a due date - the grade passback LTI adds validation to your assignment to make sure a due date is selected before it is created as well as after if you attempt to remove a due date. This validation only applies if the assignment is set to sync to PowerTeacherPro.
Assignment Validation - Due Date

Choosing to Sync Created Assignments - when creating an assignment, make sure to check the “Sync to PowerTeacherPro” box to be able to sync the assignment’s grade from Canvas to the PTP gradebook.
Setting Assignments to Sync

Note: The SIS option is not available for Not Graded assignment types. As a teacher, you can toggle this icon on or off depending on whether you want to send this assignment’s grade to PowerTeacherPro.
Sync to PowerSchool Button

Note: Ensure that ‘Sync to PowerTeacher Pro’ is enabled on assignments you want to pass back to PTP.
How do I sync grades from Canvas’ gradebook to PTP?
From the Canvas’ gradebook, click on “Export”

Click on “Sync to PowerTeacherPro”

A window will appear asking you to confirm the grade sync. Once “Sync Now” is selected, grades will be queued to be sent from Canvas to the PTP gradebook.

Please Note: The sync process may take a long time. Canvas is aware of the issue and is currently working on a fix.